Saturday, August 30, 2008


I arrived in Frankfurt, Germany, this morning at 1 am CDT and 8 am local time. I'm staying a few days in Marburg, Germany, with the Herrmanns. It's great to see people I know and a familiar town. I'll have more later, but just wanted to let everyone know I made it here safely.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I spent the last week at ISU, being a Destination Iowa State leader and trying to see everyone before I leave.  I went to classes on Monday for fun and ran into so many friends this past week.  I'll be sad to leave everyone for the semester and miss out on all the ISU activities.  I specifically bought my flight so I could go to the first ISU football game against SD State on Thursday before leaving.  I'm getting packed and ready to go, but I'm still scared about traveling alone through Italy.  I hope to arrive in the Czech Republic on Sept. 8th with all my money, personal belongings, and health (my limbs would be nice, too).  I keep hearing many horror stories about people traveling in Europe.  I just keep telling myself that I had fun the last time and stayed safe.  

I will try to update this as I go along, but internet access might be sketchy the first week of my trip.  Upon arrival in Brno, I'll get online and post, just so everyone knows I made it there.